Top Ten Tuesday: Favorite TV Shows

Hosted by The Broke and the Bookish
This week's theme is Top Ten Favorite TV shows (in no particular order mind you, because that would take a lot more thought)!

  • How I Met Your Mother
    Come on, it's so good! I absolutely love HIMYM and I've seen all eight seasons. Don't ask me about the series finale though...
    One of my favorite shows. I loved all of the literature, history and pop culture references and how it twisted my brain, making me both confused and intrigued at the same time.
  • Psych
    I absolutely love Shawn and Gus. They are hilarious together and I love that they are friends in real life.
  • Game of Thrones
    Ughhh there's really nothing I can say to explain how good this is. If you haven't watched it yet, get in on it. And if you have watched it, check out this cool brand of wine based on the series that I mentioned on Sunday!
  • Weeds
    Weeds has that quirky, fun flavor that I look for in a show. Even though it got a ridiculous at the end, I loved following Nancy Botwin through her adventures. 
  • Dexter
Yeah, I enjoyed watching the creepy Dexter and his weird moral code. It was entertaining, if a little gross sometimes.
  • Entourage
God, Entourage was perfect. I just finished watching it a couple weeks ago and I love each and every one of those messed up characters. Just yes.
  • Greek
My guilty pleasure. Absolutely nothing like real Greek life and yet sometimes it just gets "it". Hilarious.
  • Buffy the Vampire Slayer
I might be a little obsessed with Buffy. It just picks me up from a bad day, you know? Thanks Netflix, for making this my entire junior year of college.
  • Jeopardy
    What can I say? I'm a trivia nerd ;)


  1. Yes! Love Psych! I love Gus' car, The Blueberry!
    I've seen Game of Thrones around so much lately, I seriously need to watch it!
    I totally love Jeopardy too! I don't get a lot of it right, but it's fun, ha!
    Awesome list!

    1. I just absolutely love Gus. Especially when he screams.
      Game of Thrones is an absolute must-watch. Even when it's all gore-y, I still can't look away!
      My parents and I watch Jeopardy every night and it gets pretty intense....

  2. I loved Greek too! I totally binged on that one for a while on Netflix!
    Missie @ A Flurry of Ponderings

    1. Ahhh good to know that someone else enjoys one of my guilty pleasures!

  3. HIMYM used to be my favorite show but I feel so hurt by the finale. I don't know how to feel about the show any more! haha

    1. The finale was definitely... something... I feel like most people didn't like it which was interesting. What a way to end what the show has been building up to for years.

  4. My best friend is a big Psych fan. I gotta give it a try sometime. I loved Weeds at the beginning, but kind of drifted away when it started getting uber ridiculous. That said, I still find myself with the Little Boxes song in my head on occasion even now. LOL

    1. Hahahaha oh, that song! Yeah, Weeds definitely got a little ridiculous but I just love all the characters. Psych is so funny and cute and Gus & Shawn's bromance is just adorable.

  5. I loved HIMYM..until that last season. And especially that last episode. :( Psych looks fun! I'll have to try that one out!

    1. Ughhh, yeah HIMYM. So many emotions over that series finale!

  6. I binge watched Weeds so hard last year and then I had to wait for the last season on Netflix! I loved the quirkiness and anti-heroeness of it. I also like HIMYIM and Psych this is a great list !

    1. Thanks! Yeah, Weeds is great but I HATE having to wait for shows (GoT right now...)

  7. Great list! I really love How I Met Your Mother, Game of Thrones, Dexter (though I was frustrated with the ending), Psych, and Buffy.

    1. Ooh, haha, we seem to like a lot of the same stuff!!

  8. Netflix is the best for binge watching! Oh Greek, such a cute and funny show. I loved Cappie. (I also kind of married a Cappie as it turns out.) lol It makes me smile to see Psych on your list as well. I'm sad that show is over, but it went out on top.

    1. Lol Cappie is definitely my favorite as well! And I love Psych but I'm not caught up yet! I think I just have the last season and I'm waiting for Netflix to put it up!

  9. Game of Thrones made my list as well! Buffy almost did. I have not seen these others though But a couple are on my netflix queue for one day.
    My TTT

    1. I found so many shows that I wanted to watch from this TTT! GoT is an instant classic


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