Saturday Summary

The Weekly Update:  

What I Did:
  • Some updates on learning HTML/CSS: it kinda sucks. I completed the Code Academy tutorial and while I learned a lot, I don't think I can put all the elements I learned together, let alone make a cohesive layout or design.
  • I had two interviews this week! I'm so thankful to have some feedback from employers to keep my hopes up!
  • Anniversary Sale at Nordstrom started Thursday! It's the busiest time of the year and I love it. Needless to say though, my feet hurt a little LOT and I'm pretty exhausted.
What I Bought:
  • I got in my box from Barnes and Noble with the four books I ordered! My cousin Andrea gave me a giftcard and I obviously used it right away.
What I Watched:
  • Scandal (I'm already on Season 2... It's addicting!)  


  1. I've been tinkering with Code Academy as well. I think what (little) I've learned so far is helpful but like you I have NO idea how to tie it all together and make something useful of it.

    1. I'm glad that I'm not the only one struggling to put it all together! I really want to code my own template/layout but it's so hard!


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