An Exciting Announcement!

I have an extremely exciting announcement! 

I am adding a new blog contributor, Maddy! Maddy will be adding reviews and discussion posts and I am extremely excited to see what she brings to The Book Analyst.

Did you know? Maddy and I actually know each other in real life. We met through our sorority, and Maddy is my little! We bonded a lot initially over our love of books so it only makes sense that she join in on the blog!

We are incredibly disfunctional
I can't wait to have Maddy helping me out around here! I'll be doing her posts for her, so you'll be able to tell that the review is hers because I'll note "Maddy's Review" in the title.


  1. Do you review any of the "classics"I love Nancy Drew and would like to hear your thoughts on similar style stories.


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