Review: Jane of Austin: A Novel of Sweet Tea and Sensibility
My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Hillary Manton Lodge attempts a Jane Austen inspired modern novel in Jane of Austin, to mixed success.
I'll place a caveat on this review- I've never read Sense and Sensibility, so I may not fully understand the characterization or plot as they relate to the novel that Jane of Austin was based on.
Main Characters: 3/5
Jane seems a little dull for me in this novel. I like that her interests aren't exactly "normal" (read: tea?), but I kind of struggle with the romance between both of Jane's suitors. Neither seemed very natural to me and I found them lacking.
Secondary Characters: 2/5
Aside from the sisters, I wasn't getting a lot of deep characterization from our other secondary characters (and there are many). Further, I was even annoyed with Celia because her reason for pulling back from Jane just seemed utterly silly.
Plot: 3/5
I actually didn't mind the plot itself, although some pieces seem a little silly when translated to modern times.
Writing Style: 4/5
Lodge has a charming writing style and there weren't many critiques that I had here. Things flowed well and were entertaining.
Ending: 3/5
Seemed a little rushed, but very sweet all around.
Total: 15/25
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