The Time Will Come #1

Jodie over at Books for Company is hosting a Thursday meme.  It's really easy to join in.  Here's what you have to do:
  • Pick a book from your bookshelf that you've had for a while and really can't wait to read, but haven't managed to get to yet.
  • Put the details on your blog and head back over to Jodie's blog to fill in the Mr Linky.
  • Go and visit some other bloggers who are joining in.

I've had Middlesex by Jeffrey Eugenides on my bookshelf for years.  Literally... years. I've read pretty far in too at different times over these years. And while it's not awful, I can never seem to get into it. However, I am often turned off at first by books that I later come to adore. So I am determined to finish this book at some time in the future!


  1. You sound determined! One day you''l get through this book! I know what you mean, sometimes I struggle to get into a book and then years later come into it with a different perspective and love it.

  2. If it won a Pulitzer it's probably worth the effort. Just stick with it and don't read anything else at the same time. You'll get there!

  3. I do hope this is one you come to later adore!
    I have to admit if I don't like a book within 40 pages I tend to put it down .. and not pick it up again! I think it's great when people keep trying.


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