Upcoming Race: Ducks vs. Beavers Rivalry Clash 5k

How fun is this? I'm a die-hard Oregon Ducks fan, so I'm beyond thrilled to run in the Ducks vs. Beavers 5k this Sunday. I'm running it with two close friends, so hopefully they can motivate me to run a little bit faster than I normally would!

As always, I'm sad when I can't run a race with my trusty Rottie pup, Ruby.
This is her "why are you taking pictures of me" face
But... I'm excited for the post-race celebrations and tailgating!

In terms of time, I think this one will be pretty relaxed, but I'd definitely like to keep under 34 or 35 minutes, and maybe edge closer to 31 or 32 if I can get a good pace going. That's where I've been on my practice runs, but my friends said they weren't even sure if they would run the whole thing, so who knows.

Should be fun though! Go Ducks!


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