I'm Obsessed With...

Wow, I gotta tell you guys! I have been watching American Horror Story and I am obsessed.

I absolutely hate horror and scary movies, so I surprised myself by wanting to watch this show. But I figured that I had been doing so well on Supernatural that I wanted to give it a try!

Full disclosure, I totally made my dad sit and watch the first two episodes with me to make sure I could handle it. But once I felt comfortable with the characters and the "fright level", it was all in!

It has literally everything. Romance, creepiness, jump scares, emotional moments, touching parts, and more!

And how about these two:

I've heard that Asylum is the scariest and that some people literally couldn't watch it, so I'm not sure how that will go. But for now, I've impressed myself with my bravery and AHS is literally perfection.

I'll let you know more as we move forward!


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